Net Promoter Score (NPS) trigger distribution in Freshdesk


This article will show you how to start measuring Net Promoter Score (NPS) via triggers - automated emails after a ticket is resolved - in your Freshdesk account.

You can either follow the integration video manual or follow the written documentation below the video.

Integration video manual

Written documentation


In this article

NOTE: every step is the article is the same for CSAT, NPS and CES

Connecting Freshdesk with Nicereply

1. Choose the NPS metric in the “left menu” in your Nicereply account. Click on START NPS. If you do not see the START NPS button click on NEW SURVEY button in the top left corner of the screen

2. From distribution options choose TRIGGER

3. You’re on the app directory page now, click on Freshdesk icon

4. In the next step add your Freshdesk URL, (e.g. and your Freshdesk API key. To get your API key click on your avatar icon in the top right corner > go to Profile settings > you can see your key here



Hit Connect and continue to activate your agents in the next step

5.  Add your users from Freshdesk to Nicereply by clicking continue. New users will get an automated email with login instructions from us.

When adding new users into your integration later remember that each agent has her/his name, username and email. Especially focus on the Username in this part, it's very important to set it correctly. Nicereply Username must be exactly the same as Freshdesk agent full name (returned by {{}} variable).

Don' worry and replace the pre-generated username by the users real name incl. the special characters like space or diacritics:

add users.png

Trigger activation in Freshdesk

6. You’re on the good way! The NPS trigger is waiting for for activation.

7. You can manage the trigger behaviour in “Trigger settings”. When you’re ready hit the “activation” button.

When you're done editing your trigger settings click SAVE SETTINGS, hit the "activation" button, and activate your trigger to start distributing your surveys. 

Good job!

Nicereply will utilize your existing integration with Freshdesk and the workflow is follows:

1. After NPS trigger activation Nicereply will start scanning the status of your tickets on a regular basis

2.  Nicereply will send the NPS survey to the ticket requestor for all tickets created via Email channel, with status Resolved and without ticket update for 48 hours (by default)

3.  Nicereply will collect the CSAT ratings and push it to Freshdesk as a note and the custom field value