Distributing satisfaction survey via SMS in Front

Thanks to the Front canned responses feature you can distribute your Nicereply satisfaction surveys directly in your SMS conversations (Inbox). This article will show you how to start measuring Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) directly in your front SMS conversations. Every step of the article is the same for CSAT, CES & NPS surveys. 


  • Admin access to Nicereply
  • Admin access to Front
  • Existing SMS team Inbox in your Front account

Creating a survey link in Nicereply

1. In your Nicereply account click the NEW SURVEY button in the top left corner of the screen 

2. Now, click on the START WITH CSAT button (if you want to measure CES or NPS choose the respective button). Then, Choose your primary CSAT question rating scale. Once you choose the survey rating scale it is not possible to change it later.

3. Then, choose Email template distribution

4. You’re on the app directory page now, click on the Front icon
5. In the next step add your Front Token, to get your Token go to your Front account > go to Settings > Plugins and API > then click on API and create New Token.

Select the following scopes: Shared Resources and Private Resources, then click create.
Hit Connect and continue to activate your agents in the next step.
5.  Add your agents from Front to Nicereply. New users will get an automated email with login instructions from us.

Creating canned response in Front

6. Now, in the dropdown menu called "Survey style" choose the URL link and copy the code. 

7. Switch to your Front account and navigate to Company settings, Responses and click Add a canned response 

8. Choose a name for your survey and paste the CSAT survey link code you've copied in the previous steps. 

9. When you're done click save. 

Pro tip!

Front allows you to create different rules for specific Inboxes. With this feature, you can create a rule to automate survey sending within your SMS conversations. To do that navigate to Company settings, Rules and click Add a team rule.

Then choose your rule name. Your new rule will have the following conditions: 

  • Conversation is archived
  • Conversation is in "your SMS Inbox name"
  • Then Reply with Nicereply CSAT survey

When you're done click Create rule. 

Good job!

From now on, you will be able to insert a CSAT survey canned response in your SMS conversations in Front.

Your customers will be able to rate their experience directly within the SMS conversation.

Every collected rating is pushed directly into the rated SMS conversation in Front. In Nicereply you'll be able to identify the rated agent, the number from which the rating came from & direct link to the rated conversation.