What is Customer Effort Score (CES)
Customer Effort Score ™ 2.0 - How easy is it to do business with you?
Customer Effort Score is a metric used to evaluate how easy customers thought it was to get a resolution to their recent contact.
The idea is that customers enjoy doing business with companies that are easy to work with. After all, 96% of customers who've been through a high effort experience report being disloyal.
Measure CES by surveying customers after the resolution of their conversation, finishing a call, fulfilling an order, ending a chat, or closing a deal. Customer Effort Score survey questions ask to what extent do customers agree with the following statement: "Company" made it easy for me to handle my issue.
Why measure CES?
As mentioned before, the idea of CES is that customers enjoy doing business with companies, that are easy to work with.
CES measures the number of effort customers had to exert when dealing with your company.
How to measure CES?
CES is measured by surveying customers after the resolution of their conversation (usually 24 hours after a ticket is closed).
Customers are asked to rate the statement: “The *|COMPANY|* made it easy for me to handle my issue.” on a 1 (low) – 7 (high) scale indicating whether they agree or disagree with the statement.
CES will then be the averages of these ratings.
What does a CES survey look like?
Being based on a research paper by CEB, the CES survey will always ask the same question. Original CES used a scale of 5 different answers, while the updated CES 2.0 uses a scale of 7.