How to edit trigger behaviour?

There are multiple setting options for your Nicereply triggers. Simply go to your Nicereply account - surveys - click on surveys list - locate your survey and click on trigger settings. 

  • First thing you can edit is the Sender name. Nicereply inserts your company name as sender name by default. 
  • Then you can edit subject of your emails. Nicereply inserts "Quick question from |*Company name*| " subject as a default option. 
  • You can also edit the "Reply to" email. "Reply to" email represents an email address to which you will receive a reply if a customer replies to the trigger email. 

  • Next option you see is "send after" setting. Here you can edit the number of hours after ticket is resolved/chat is finished/call is ended/ deal is closed after which the survey is sent. 
  • You can also specify the number of days during which there can not be a survey sent to the same customer - for example a survey is triggered after you resolved John Doe's ticket. But he has another three requests within the same week. You set this option to 7 days and Jon will only receive your survey once that week, not four times. 

  • The last trigger option is to filter by tag or mailbox. If you choose the filter by tag option you insert specific tag. Then a survey will be only sent to tickets/calls/deals/chats with that tag. If you choose the filter by mailbox option you choose specific mailbox. Then a survey will be only sent to tickets/calls/deals/chats from that mailbox (for example only for support cases).