Response Feed CSV Exports

The Response Feed offers a comprehensive view of all your customer feedback gathered across all satisfaction metrics in one place. From now on you can also save your data in form of a CSV export. Thanks to that you can download, share & analyze your data further and make sure your team members have all the information they need. 

Where can I find my CSV export? 

To create an export log in to your Nicereply account. Then, go to the Response Feed tab and click on Response Feed. Then, click on the EXPORT button at the top right corner of the screen, and finally, choose the Save as .csv option. 

What information is included in my CSV export?

The Response Feed CSV exports include the following information:

  • username of the rated agent
  • role of the rated agent
  • timestamp of the ratings 
  • legacy score, "new" score, and a max score of the specific rating (learn more about the difference between legacy score & new score)
  • the rating scale type of the survey
  • name of the customer who provided the rating
  • rating comment
  • ticket/conversation/deal ID
  • the location from which the rating came from
  • IP address  
  • name of the rated survey
  • email of the rated agent 
  • customer email 
  • scores of your extra questions