Setting up targeting and behavior of pop-up surveys
You don't always want all your visitors and users to view the surveys. With Trigger Settings, you can target specific pages you want to show your surveys on, or specify when and how often the survey should pop up.
ℹ️ Website Pop-up surveys are currently in the Beta version. If you have any questions or want to give us feedback, please contact us at
Prerequisites: You can set up your trigger settings only if you already have a website pop-up survey created and code installed on your website or application. If you have not created a survey yet, please follow this guide.
To find the trigger setting, follow these steps:
- Go to your survey list (Surveys > Survey list)
- Find your created survey with website pop-up distribution. If you do not have one, create one.
- Click on the Settings & Appearance button for your chosen survey
- In settings submenu, click on Trigger settings
How to set up WHEN your survey should pop-up
In this section, you have two options: You can set how many seconds should pass before your survey is displayed. The countdown starts when the page is loaded.
Also, you can turn the on-exit intent setting, so the survey can be displayed when the user’s cursor leaves the top of the page. You also have to set up how many seconds to wait for on-exit intent to be detected. This way the survey does not pop up if a user opens the page and leaves immediately, which could be considered to be spam by a user.
Please notice, that the on-exit intent setting is only working on desktop devices.
How to set up frequency HOW OFTEN users should see the survey
Here you can set up if your survey will be shown up only once, or on a recurring basis.
Only new visits setting means that your survey will be shown up only once to new visitors, based on the user’s cookies. This works only if the user is using the same device or browser, or if the user does not delete cookies.
When you choose to trigger your survey on a recurring basis, you can set up how many hours should survey wait to be displayed to the same user again if a user does not submit a response, and how many days should the survey wait to be displayed to the same user again after he submits a response.
On the screen above, you can see the first setting is set to 24 hours and the second setting is set to 30 days. It means that if a user does not submit a response when the survey pops up, it will trigger again a day (24 hours) later when a user visits the same page again. The interval repeats until the user submits a response. After which, the survey will trigger again after 30 days.
How to set up WHERE your survey should pop-up
Surveys are not relevant on all pages. For example, if you've introduced a new page and would like to measure user experience on that page or you have introduced a new feature and would like users to give feedback specifically on that feature page or you want feedback or form to be filled on your blog page, you will need to specifically target and place your surveys on those pages.
First of all, you need to specify the domain you want to trigger your survey on.
If you'd like to add your website pop-up to your subdomains, simply add " * " in front of your domain.
Second, you can choose if you want to show your survey on all pages, or on specific pages with a Page filter. You can apply multiple rules for page filters.
Available URL targeting options in the Page filter
To better understand how URL targeting works, it is good to understand the components that make up a URL. Nicereply evaluates five different URL components when it looks for targeting matches: protocol, domain, path, query strings, and fragments:
Each of the URL targeting criteria can be based on one of the five matching types listed below.
- Simple match - This is the default match type and is used to target a page on your site. This match type ignores protocol, any query strings and fragments, and the presence or not of 'www'.
- Exact match - Targets a specific URL, including the protocol and query string. Excluding fragment.
- Starts with - Target all pages that have a URL, including the protocol, which starts with the entered text.
- Ends with - Target all pages that have a URL that ends in the entered text.
- Contains - Target all pages which contain the entered text. This rule is case-sensitive.
Simple match -
Result | Example URL | Description |
Match | | The domain ( and page path (/pages) is a match |
No match | | /subpage is not part of the page path criteria |
Match | | The query string (?x=1) is ignored |
Match | | The query string (?x=1&y=1) is ignored |
No match | | The Simple Match method is case sensitive |
Match | | The www. prefix to the domain is ignored |
No match | | Only the www. prefix is ignored, any other prefix or subdomain must be included |
Exact match -
Result | Example URL | Description |
No match | | The required query string (?x=1) is missing |
No match | | The required query string (?x=1) is missing and the page path should not include /subpage |
Match | | All URL components are an exact match |
No match | | The URL has a non-matching query string (&y=1) at the end of it |
Match | | The URL has an ignored URL fragment (#2) at the end of it |
Starts with -
Result | Example URL | Description |
Match | | The entire URL matches the target criteria |
Match | | The URL starts with the matching URL, so it's still a match, even though the end includes /subpage |
Match | | The URL starts with the target criteria, so it's still a match, even though the end includes the ?x=1 query string |
Match | | The URL starts with the target criteria, so it's still a match, even though the end includes the ?x=1&y=1 query string |
Match | | The URL starts with the target criteria, so it's still a match, even though the end includes the ?x=1 query string and #2 fragment |
No match | | Part of the domain (www.) is not included and therefore does not match the criteria |
Ends with - pages/
Result | Example URL | Description |
Match | | The URL ends with the matching criteria (pages/) |
Match | | The URL ends with the matching criteria (pages/) |
No match | | The URL path does not end with pages/ |
No match | | The URL ends in a query string (?x=1) and not the path pages/ |
No match | | The URL ends in a query string (?x=1) and not the path pages/ |
No match | | The URL ends in a fragment (#2) and not the path pages/ |
Contains - ?x=1
Result | Example URL | Description |
No match | | The URL does not contain ?x=1 |
No match | | The URL does not contain ?x=1 |
Match | | The URL does contain the matching criteria (?x=1) |
Match | | The URL does contain the matching criteria (?x=1) |
Match | | The URL does contain the matching criteria (?x=1) |