How to manually trigger website pop-up survey

Instead of relying on the automatic trigger settings provided by the Nicereply app, you can manually trigger the survey by executing the specific code or API on your website. It grants you greater control over the timing and display of the survey for your visitors.

By adhering to these instructions, you can effectively create and manually trigger a pop-up survey on your website using the Nicereply app.

It offers enhanced flexibility in managing the survey's display, ensuring it reaches your target audience at the most opportune moment.

The manual triggering method allows you to decide when, where, and to whom the pop-up survey appears on your website.

Keep in mind that you need developer access to your website to properly trigger the website survey. This functionality is not available for regular users of the Nicereply app.

How to manually trigger a website pop-up survey

  1. Create and install your website pop-up survey:

a. Click the "+NEW SURVEY" button at the top of the left sidebar OR navigate to Surveys (Surveys > Survey list) from the left sidebar and click on the Add Survey button.

b. Choose the desired metric you want to use to measure feedback. If you are new to gathering feedback with Nicereply, read some tips & tricks here.

c. Select distribution - Website Pop-up survey

d. Install the Nicereply code into your website or software. Read more here.

  1. After creating your website survey, remember to customize your survey.

At this point, you don't need to set up trigger settings in Nicereply, as you will trigger the survey manually.

Displaying the survey

To display the survey on your website, you will need the Survey ID, which can be found within the Website Code subpage of Survey Settings (see the image below).

Then, simply call the specified JavaScript code, replace <survey id> with your Survey ID, and the survey should appear.

You have two options:

  1. Open the survey immediately

nicereplyWidget('', '<survey id>');

  1. Open the survey immediately and just once per page view, even if this command is called multiple times

nicereplyWidget('', '<survey id>');

By manually triggering the website survey, you can decide

  • When the survey is displayed (time)
  • Where the survey is displayed (on which website pages)
  • To whom the survey is shown (user filtering)
  • Conditions on which the popup is triggered, such as when a user clicks a specific button or scrolls to the bottom of a page.

Related articles

Introduction to Website Pop-up Surveys

Setting up targeting and behavior of website pop-up surveys

How to customize my survey