Working with Issues

Issues are "bad' ratings that have to be resolved with dissatisfied customers. Bad ratings are related to your rating value settings. With the issues feature, you can ensure you never miss negative feedback and that every unhappy customer is turned into a happy one.
You can define which CSAT & CES rating values will be considered "bad" in your account. Navigate to your Nicereply account, then click on Surveys and Rating values. Here you can define "bad" rating values for your CSAT & CES surveys. 

Issues management

Every time you receive a bad rating i.e. an issue you'll see a red issue tag in your rating feed. Every new issue will have an "unresolved" status.

After that, you can either ignore the issue (when it is irrelevant to you) or deal with the unhappy customer and mark the issue as resolved. To do that simply click on the Issue tag and choose the final status.

Issues response feed filter

In your Nicereply response feed, you can filter out issues with specific statuses. You can filter Unresolved, Resolved & Ignored issues.