Setup integration with Best Practical
Next up from our series of successful integrations of Nicereply is Best Practical, a very popular support tool with over 10 years of history. We’re going to try and take a different, shorter approach with this tutorial, so here is how you get Nicereply working with Best Practical in three simple steps.
Setting up Nicereply
First of all, you’ll need to match your Nicereply agents’ usernames to their RT usernames. Usernames in RT can be found under Configuration -> Users. That will give a list of usernames, full names, and email addresses. The screenshot shows the screen after clicking on one of the users.
You can edit agents username in Nicereply by navigating to Staff tab and editing specific agent.
Next, we have to activate the Ticket Link feature (Settings -> Ticket link) to link every rating to a ticket at RT. We put the ticket URL into “Ticket system URL” field, in this case it’s>>. Make sure to change “” to the location of your RT installation.
You can edit the Ticket link of each survey you are using in Nicereply. Simply navigate to CSAT, CES, or NPS (depending on which metric you're measuring) and going into the Surveys tab. Here you can edit Settings of your surveys.
Setting up Best Practical
Navigate to Configuration -> Global -> Templates. Some of you may have customised your correspondence template for each queue, in which case you’d have to make the change to each queue-level template as well.
Insert the following to the correspondence template just above your signature. Important! – make sure to replace the “my-company” in the url to your company name in Nicereply.
{ return '' unless $Transaction->CreatorObj->Privileged; my $id = $Ticket->Id; my $actor = $Transaction->CreatorObj->Name; RT::Interface::Web::EscapeURI(\$actor); "Please rate my reply:$actor/$id"; }
If you want to track ratings for individual replies instead at the overall ticket level,
use this instead:
{ return '' unless $Transaction->CreatorObj->Privileged; my $id = $Ticket->Id; my $trans = $Transaction->Id; my $actor = $Transaction->CreatorObj->Name; RT::Interface::Web::EscapeURI(\$actor); "Please rate my reply:$actor/$id%23txn-$trans"; }
That’s it!
We have now successfully connected Nicereply with Best Practical. Your customers will now be able to rate your help desk emails and you’ll have the ability to easily evaluate performance of your help desk team AND see what ticket every rating relates to.