Customer Effort Score (CES) email template distribution in LiveAgent

This article will show you how to start measuring Customer Effort Score (CES) directly in your LiveAgent email template (signature).

You can either follow the integration video manual or follow the written documentation below the video.

Integration video manual

Written documentation


In this article

NOTE: every step is the article is the same for CSAT, NPS and CES

Connecting LiveAgent with Nicereply

1. Choose the CES metric in the “left menu” in your Nicereply account. Click on START CES. If you do not see the START CES button click on NEW SURVEY button in the top left corner of the screen. Then,

  1. From distribution options choose EMAIL TEMPLATE
  2. You're on the app directory page now, click on LiveAgent icon
  3. In the next step, add your LiveAgent hostname, (e.g. and your LiveAgent API key. To get your API key go to Configuration > System > API. Click Add API key, then insert Name, and in

    Privileges you need to select at least agent - read, tag - read + manage, ticket - read + create + operate + read_all, user - read.

Then click Create. Hit connect and continue to activate your agents in the next step.

  1. Add your user from LiveAgent to Nicereply. New users will get an automated email with login instructions from us.

Adding email template to LiveAgent

  1. You're on the good way! To collect customer feedback, you need to place Customer Effort Score into your LiveAgent email templates. Now copy code for CES.

  1. Go to your LiveAgent account > Configuration > Email > Customer templates > Ticket reply, click edit.

Then switch to source mode, and replace this code (delete it) by Nicereply CES code (paste Nicereply CES code).

Then click save.

Don't forget to click Confirm setup completion in Nicereply account.

Good job!

Your email templates will now contain CES code and all collected ratings will be stored in Nicereply under CES tab.And are pushed into your LiveAgent ticket