Distribute Nicereply surveys in your Pipedrive signature

You can make Nicereply surveys part of your everyday communication in Pipedrive. Collect feedback at every interaction with your Pipedrive contacts. 

This article will provide guideline on how to start collecting feedback in your Pipedrive signature. Specifically, you'll learn how to start collecting Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) in your signature. Every step of this article is the same for CSAT, CES and NPS. 

  1. To get started, click on "NEW SURVEY" in the upper left corner
  2. Select the metric you want to measure (CSAT/NPS/CES), then choose your preferred scale. Note that once you choose the survey rating scale, it cannot be changed later

  1. From the distribution options choose In-signature
  2. In the next step click on Skip Integration
  3. Add your users from Pipedrive to Nicereply by either importing them from the CSV file, or manually. New users will get an automated email with login instructions from us. 
  4. Every agent has to copy his/her survey preview and paste it into his/her Pipedrive signature. Now, switch to preview mode.

  1. Choose an agent you want to copy the survey for and Copy survey preview.

  1. Switch to your Pipedrive account. Navigate to Mail and click on Compose button. 

  1. Now, click on signature and paste the CSAT preview. 

  1. When you're done click Save. 

Good job! Like mentioned before, every Pipedrive user has to copy his/her CSAT preview from Nicereply and paste it into his/her Pipedrive signature!

When you're done switch back to Nicereply and Confirm setup completion. 

To be able to identify which customer gave you feedback you need to make little edit on your rating page. Navigate to Surveys - Surveys list. Locate your Pipedrive custom template and click on Appearance. 

Now, click EDIT on the "Your name" section. 

Here you can edit whether you'd like to ask a customer's name or email address, and disable the "Hide name field from rating form" option. 

When you're finished click Done, and then Save & Publish. 

Good Job!

Now, you'll be able to collect feedback at every interaction with your Pipedrive contacts. You can analyse gathered feedback in your CSAT rating feed and see:

  • name of the rated agent 
  • name of a customer that gave you feedback
  • rating value & comment