Distributing Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) surveys via SMS in CloudTalk
This article will show you how to start distributing Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) surveys via SMS in your CloudTalk call center automatically every time a call ends.
1. In your Nicereply account click the NEW SURVEY button in the top left corner of the screen
2. Now, click on the START WITH CSAT button. Then, Choose your primary CSAT question rating scale. Once you choose the survey rating scale it is not possible to change it later.
3. Then, choose the Email template distribution
4. In the next step click on the SKIP INTEGRATION link at the bottom of the screen
5. Now, you can manually import your agents from CloudTalk to Nicereply. New users will get an automated email with login instructions from us. When you're done click CONTINUE.
6. Next, in the first "Copy survey code" section switch survey style to the URL link.
7. Now, copy the survey code
8. Switch to your Cloudtalk account and navigate to Account - Scenarios
9. Click on the Add scenario button
10. Choose a name for your new scenario (for example Nicereply CSAT SMS survey)
11. In the next step set the Trigger setting to Call (object) and ended (action). Then click Confirm and continue
12. The Conditions section allows you to filter your surveys by a specific parameter. For example, you can send SMS surveys to calls with a specific tag.
If you'd like to do that set the Conditions section to event.properites.tags contains "tag". Then click Confirm and continue.
If you don't want to filter your surveys click Skip and continue.
13. In the final section choose SMS as an action type. As you can see a list of settings appeared on the screen. We need to edit a number of those:
- set the recipient value to {{ event.properties.external_number }}
set the sender value number to your CloudTalk phone number from which you want to distribute the SMS surveys from
paste the survey link code into the text value
open your CloudTalk once again in a new tab and navigate to settings API keys. Copy the access key ID. Then switch to the first CloudTalk tab and paste it into the api_key_id value
switch once again to the second CloudTalk tab, click show on the access key secret, and copy the access key secret. Then switch to the first CloudTalk tab and paste it into the api_key_secret value
14. When you're done click Confirm and continue
15. In the final step click Save and activate
Pro tip!
If you'd like to change the default "How nice was my reply" question to your custom question navigate to your Nicereply account, click on Surveys, Surveys list, and click on your CSAT survey Appearance button. Here you can change the default question, add extra questions, upload your company logo, etc.
If you'd like to know which customer provided feedback click on the "Your name" section and unmark the "Hide name field from rating form" option. This way it will be mandatory to fill in a name to provide feedback.
When you're done editing your survey don't forget to save your new settings. If you decide to change the default question you need to copy the survey URL link again and insert it into your CSAT survey scenario in CloudTalk (replace the original "How nice was my reply" question in the text value section).
Good job!
From now on, every time your agents finish a call a Nicereply CSAT survey will be automatically distributed to your customers via SMS.
Every collected feedback from customers will be recorded in your Nicereply account.